Aimst University Photo Gallery - Aimst Rocket Tower

The Aimst Rocket Tower

The Aimst Rocket Tower sometimes known as the Aimst Tripod. It is a green three legged metal and glass artwork, standing tall in the park between the administration building and the library. It is a structural 3D representative of the aimst official logo - the atom. If wiew from the sky, it will look like a red dot hold tightly by three green stripe. However viewing at low ground, it would like a tripod holding a red rubby. It is known as the rocket tower by the students because it represent a rocket preparing to be launch in the huge circular launchpad.

Aimst Tower

Standing tall in the park between the administration and library building.

Aimst Tower

A view of the tower during preparation for the aimst official opening ceremony 2008.

Aimst Tower

The library and the tripod.

Aimst Tower

A view of the whole park with the pond and the tower.

Aimst Tower

A view at night.

Aimst Tower

the pond create a nice reflection of the lights above.

Aimst Tower Aimst Tower

Left: long exposure. Right: when the pond is dried and ready to be clean.

The Architecture

It is a mordern glass and metal artwork. It show its majestic aura even viewing at diffrent angle. under the strong sunlight, the transparent green glass show some nice internal reflection as each of the glass is hold by stainless steel cable at a diffrent angle.

Aimst Tower Aimst Tower
Aimst Tower Aimst Tower
Aimst Tower Aimst Tower

The view from different angle.


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