![]() Information Network - 知讯网络以下网站介绍供掺考与学习之用。
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The Methodist Church in Malaysia
网址:http://www.methodistchurch.org.my/ 简介:Official English Website on Methodist Church in Malaysia. It have latest informations on where to find Methodist Church in Malaysia according to state, brief introduction to the General Conference, brief history on how Methodism came to Malaysia, and articles abstracted from past issues of PELITA (The Methodist Church Newsletter). TRAC - Trinity Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia
网址:http://www.trac.org.my/ 简介:Official Website for Trinity Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia. It have all infromation about TRAC, including latest updates on Institute of Christian Ministry (ICM) on seminars and courses, Information on Local Preacher's Licence (LPL), newsletters (BERITA TRAC) and publications (LENT)(Christian Foundation Manual) for downloads. 马来西亚基督教卫理公会华人议会
网址:http://www.methodist.org.my/ 简介:华人卫理公会知讯走廊。有关卫理历史,卫理家讯,卫理事工,卫理通讯录,南钟分享,会长行踪,代祷事项。。。知讯应有尽有。 马来西亚基督教卫理公会砂拉越华人议会
网址:http://www.sarawakmethodist.org/ 简介:內容包括本会,大马,国际新闻,年会组织,牧区概览,牧者文章,空中讲坛,卫理论坛,祷告网。。。 马来西亚基督教卫理公会华人年议会青年团契 (Methodist Youth Fellowship)
网址:http://myf.methodist.org.my/ch/index.asp 简介:有关各青年团契的事工,分享,活动,与联络。 基督日报
网址:http://www.gospelherald.com/ 简介:“基督日報是一份世界性全球華人基督教新聞網絡日報,報導全球華人基督教新聞,內容包括國際,教會,社會,事工,神學院,宣教,科技,專欄等全球華人基督教新聞新聞,每日更新,務求以最快的速度讓讀者得到華人基督教新聞消息.”-基督日报 - 卫理须知 -
The Sermons of John Wesley
网址:http://new.gbgm-umc.org/umhistory/wesley/sermons/ 简介:“John Wesley (1703-1791) founded Methodism. A prolific writer, he printed several volumes of his sermons during his lifetime. The published sermons either were rewritten from ones that he had preached or were written specifically for print.” - Global Ministries,The United Methodist Church. - 福音 -
- 每日灵修 -
- 大专团契之友 -
网址:http://kmc-fellowship.blogspot.com/ 简介:“来到玻璃市加央这个小小的城市,不忘记在主的殿中一同聚集。我们所需要的,上帝天天都看顾~。” - kmcfellowship | ||