Aimst Photography Club Title

General Goals of AIMST Photography Club

The club has established broad, general goals in order to facilitate the achievement and realization of its mission. These are outlined below. Under the direction of Club Advisor and Club President, and working through with committee members and normal members, AIMST Photography Club will annually establish specific operational objectives in respect of these goals.

  1. Excellence

    • Provide knowledge and skills excellence through opportunity of different photographic conditions, situations and locations.
    • Provide photography workshops/convention/talks that enhance the multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills in meeting the individual, community and national needs in the continuous growing challenge in modern world.
    • Provide opportunity on the frontiers of science and technology related to photography with actively updating research and development news discussion.
    • Inculcate positive attitudes into active learning process which inspire its continuity as a life-long pursuit towards achieving excellence.
  2. Responsiveness

    • Provide activities that prepare students for future career opportunities and needs.
    • Provide a creative and innovative environment that promotes positive and active learning process.
    • Promote public awareness of its high visionary club that have multi-disciplinary approach towards a common interest.
  3. Discipline

    • Provide a legal and ethical guideline to promote a responsible and discipline orientated photographer.
    • Encourage critical, rational and independent judgments that do not put any party at risk or trouble.
    • Encourage the culture of responsible and maximal use of all major equipment acquired by the University and Club and for their cost-effective maintenance.
  4. Unity

    • Encourage intra and inter community interactions that foster the understanding, unity and integrations between members of different backgrounds.
    • Promote well co-ordinate service-oriented activities by the members for the benefit of the community.
lily at aimst
Image: Lily Pond of Aimst University
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